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Structural Health Monitoring 2011. Volume 1
Код: 10108
Structural Health Monitoring 2011. Volume 1 [2211]
Fu-Kuo Chang
DEStech Publications, Inc., 439 North Duke Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17602 U.S.A., www.destechpub.com
2011 г.
Advances in geotechnical engineering: The Skempton conference. Volume 1
Код: 10124
Advances in geotechnical engineering: The Skempton conference. Volume 1 [3155]
Richard J. Jardine, David M. Potts, Kelvin G. Higgins
Thomas Telford Publishing, Thomas Telford Ltd, 1 Heron Quay, London E14 4JD, www.thomastelford.com
2004 г.
Detection of Terrain Changing in Tunnel Construction Project with Laser Scanning
Код: 10134
Detection of Terrain Changing in Tunnel Construction Project with Laser Scanning [5285]
on wa Lam
2011 г.
A 3-D Laser Scanning System and Scan Data Processing Method for the Monitoring of Tunnel Deformations
Код: 10135
A 3-D Laser Scanning System and Scan Data Processing Method for the Monitoring of Tunnel Deformations [3625]
K. Chmelina, J. Jansa, G. Hesina, C. Traxler
2011 г.
Multi-Sensor Geospatial Data Integration for Coastal Erosion Analysis
Код: 10136
Multi-Sensor Geospatial Data Integration for Coastal Erosion Analysis [3242]
Bo Wu
2011 г.
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