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Monitoring and Assessment of Structures
Monitoring and Assessment of Structures [686]
Автор(ы): Graham Armer
Издательство: Spon Press, 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE
Количество страниц: 177
Год: 2001
Аннотация[256 КБ] 
Код: 10120
This book details the latest methods available for the in-service assessment of buildings and other structures. Written by a team of international experts, it provides in-depth information and practical advice on key issues such as assessment and performance monitoring and evaluation. All the leading methodologies are covered, including photogrammetry, laser-based survey methods, and dynamic monitoring. Visual inspection, the most common assessment technique, is also covered. New techniques and methodologies to minimise repair and maintenance costs, and extend a structure’s service life, are described in detail. With numerous case studies, practical examples, and reference to the key international standards, Monitoring and Assessment of Structures is a vital handbook for surveyors, civil and structural engineers, and all those involved in property management.