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Numerical Tests of a Damage Detection Procedure Based on Modal Filtration
Numerical Tests of a Damage Detection Procedure Based on Modal Filtration [1349]
Автор(ы): K. Mensrok, T. Uhl
Издательство: DEStech Publication, Inc, 439 North Duke Street, 17602, Lancaster Pensylvania, U.S.A.
Количество страниц: 6
Год: 2010
Аннотация[366 КБ] 
Код: 10691
This paper presents the results of numerical simulations that test the sensitivity of the modal filter based damage detection method to factors other than damage. These factors (e.g. measurement inaccuracies and changes in ambient conditions) can produce false alarms, which is why it is so important to know how they influence the method in comparison with damage. For this purpose, three numerical models of the physical systems were created and applied.