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System Identification Toward FEM Updating of a Super High-Rise Building
System Identification Toward FEM Updating of a Super High-Rise Building [1365]
Автор(ы): L. Faravelli, F. Ubertini, C. Fuggini
Издательство: DEStech Publication, Inc, 439 North Duke Street, 17602, Lancaster Pensylvania, U.S.A.
Количество страниц: 6
Год: 2010
Аннотация[429 КБ] 
Код: 10698
The paper presents the results of coupled FE simulations applied for electromechanical impedance-based SHM method of damage detection in mechanical structures. Aluminum plate with bonded piezoelectric transducers was modeled and excited to vibrate at range of high frequencies. Plots of electromechanical impedance were used to conclude about introduced damage.