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InDA Software System for Industrial Metrology on Geometry Form Fitting and Deformation Estimation
InDA Software System for Industrial Metrology on Geometry Form Fitting and Deformation Estimation [933]
Автор(ы): K.M. Idris, H. Setan
Количество страниц: 8
Год: 2011
Аннотация[439 КБ] 
Код: 10420
Proceeding of the Joint International Symposium on Deformatuon Monitoring. 2-4 November, 2011. Hong Kong. China. Report. Conventional geodetic observation using the electronic theodolite and total station is still valid and suitable for use in deformation monitoring and industrial metrology. Deformation monitoring applications not only concentrate with engineering structure and geotechnical but widely use in machinery and manufacturing. Deformation parameter estimation is the objective of the work of deformation monitoring. The magnitude rate and direction of the deformation or generally known as trend analysis can be determined by using robust estimation or congruency testing. Both methods are the rigorous techniques for estimating the trend of movements for all the common points in a monitoring network. The typical industrial objects such as plane, circle and line usually concerned in geometrical form fitting analysis. Typically, the industrial surveying with geometrical firm fitting analysis is a main concern and the techniques of positioning such as intersection and resection usually applied in this application. With support of recent technology such as servo-motor, the uses of total station were upgraded to a motorized and robotic function. Robotic total station allows an automatic data acquisition procedure. In this paper, observation and data collection can be automatically programmed and controlled by a computer. The control function is applicable where the communication protocol between the computer and robotic total station is applied. It is possible to increase the capability of the geodetic industrial deformation monitoring by integrating the robotic total station as a data acquisition sensor with the complete software system. This software system has a full capability to communicate, controls, collects, process and analysis the deformation estimated parameter and geometry form fitting analysis. Hence, this process involved development of the complete system for automatic data acquisition and analysis. This paper intensively describes the development of the InDA Software System or InDA for industrial deformation analysis. The software system has been developed using Microsoft Visual C++ and using Leica GeoCOM protocol as a communication between sensors and computer. For benchmarking, the InDA System has been evaluated with other commercial system for data integrity during communication and other measurement systems. Several case studies were setup to evaluate the geodetic intersection with photogrammetry and laser scanning. The result showed the method of measurement using geodetic support with InDA System compare to the photogrammetry and laser scanning were within few millimetre.