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Eurocode handbook 2. Basis of structural reliability and risk engineering
Количество страниц: 250
Год: 2004
[154 КБ]
Код: 10464
I. Basic concepts of structural reliability (Pages I-`1 to I-10)
1. Summary
2. 1. Introduction
2.1. 1.1. Background materials
2.2. 1.2. General principles
3. 2. Uncertainties
3.1. 2.1. Classification of uncertainties
3.2. 2.2. Available tools to describe uncertainties
4. 3. Reliability
4.1. 3.1. General
4.2. 3.2. Definition of reliability
4.3. 3.3. Probability of failure
4.4. 3.4. Reliability index
4.5. 3.5. Time variance of failure probability
5. 4. Design targets
5.1. 4.1. Indicative values of design working life
5.2. 4.2. Target reliability level
6. 5. Design methods in practice
6.1. 5.1. General
6.2. 5.2. Permissible stresses
6.3. 5.3. Global safety factor
6.4. 5.4. Partial factor method
6.5. 5.5. Probabilistic methods
7. 6. Design assisted by testing
8. 7. Concluding remarks
9. References
10. Attachments
10.1. 1. MATHCAD sheet "Beta-Time"
II. Elementary methods of structural reliability I (Page II-1 to II-17)
1. Summary
2. 1. Introduction
2.1. 1.1. Background materials
2.2. 1.2. General principles
3. 2. Fundamental cases of structural reliability
3.1. 2.1. General
3.2. 2.2. Fundamental cases of one random variable
3.3. 2.3. Fundamental case of two random variables
4. 3. Exact solution for two random variables
5. 4. Concluding remarks
6. References
7. Attachments
7.1. 1. MATHCAD sheet "SteelRod.mcd"
7.2. 2. MATHCAD sheet "DesVRod.mcd"
7.3. 3. MATHCAD sheet "PrLnLn.mcd"
III. Reliability differentation (Pages III-1 to III-17)
1. Summary
2. 1. Introduction
2.1. 1.1. Background documents
2.2. 1.2. General principles
3. 2. Basic reliability elements
4. 3. Design working life and reliability
5. 4. Variation of failure probability with time
6. 5. Partial factor of a material property
7. 6. Partial factors of self-weight
8. 7. Climatic actions and imposed loads
9. 8. Examples
10. 9. Concluding remarks
11. References
12. Attachments
12.1. 1. MATHCAD sheet "GammaRG.mcd"
12.2. 2. MATHCAD sheet "PSI0.mcd"
12.3. 3. MATHCAD sheet "PSII2.mcd"
IV. Design assisted by testing (Pages IV-1 to IV-24)
1. Summary
2. 1. Introduction
2.1. 1.1. Background documents
2.2. 1.2. General principles
2.3. 1.3. Preliminary statistical concepts
3. 2. Statistical determination of a single property
3.1. 2.1. General principles
3.2. 2.2. Assessment via the characteristic value
3.3. 2.3. Direct assessment of the design value
3.4. 2.4. Approximation of the factors kn and kd,n
4. 3. Statistical determination of resistance models
5. References
6. Appendix A - The derivation of the equation (50)
7. Attachments
7.1. 1. EXCEl wokrsheet from the workbook "dast. xls"
7.2. 2. Source file "dast.c" to the program "dast.exe"
7.3. 3. Input file "dast.i1" for the program "dast.exe"
7.4. 4. Output file "dast.o1" produced by "dast.exe" from "dast.o1"
7.5. 5. Input file "dast.i2" for the program "dast.exe"
7.6. 6. Output file "dast.o2" produced by "dast.exe" form "dast.o2"
7.7. 7. EXCEL chart showing the data from dast.o2
V. Assessment of existing structures (Pages V-1 to V-20)
1. Summary
2. 1. Introduction
2.1. 1.1. Background documents
2.2. 1.2. General principles
3. 2. General framework of assessment
3.1. 2.1. Reasons for assessment
3.2. 2.2. Common rules
3.3. 2.3. General procedure
4. 3. Investigation
4.1. 3.1. Purpose
4.2. 3.2. Statement
5. 4. Basic variables
5.1. 4.1. General
5.2. 4.2. Characteristic values
6. 5. Evaluation of inspection results
6.1. 5.1. Updating in general
6.2. 5.2. Updating of probability distribution
6.3. 5.3. Updating of failure probability
6.4. 5.4. Updating of characteristic and design values
7. 6. Structural analysis
8. 7. Verification
9. 8. Assessment in the case of damage
10. 9. Final report and decision
11. 10. Concluding remarks
12. References
13. Appendix A - General flow of assessment of existing structures
14. Appendix B - probability updating
15. Appendix C - Bayesian method for fractile estimation
16. Attachments
16.1. 1. MATHCAD sheet "Update.mcd"
16.2. 2. MATHCAD sheet "BayesFract.mcd"
VI. Principles of risk assessment (Pages VI-1 to VI-12)
1. Summary
2. 1. Introduction
2.1. 1.1. Background documents
2.2. 1.2. General principles
3. 2. Hazard identification
4. 3. Definition and modelling of relevant scenarios
5. 4. Estimation of probabilities
6. 5. Estimation of probabilities
7. 6. Estimation of consequences
8. 7. Logic trees
9. 8. Bayesian network
10. 9. Decision-Making
11. 10. The implied cost of averting a fatality
12. 11. Concluding remarks
13. References
14. Notation
Annex A - Basic statistical concepts and techniques (Pages A-1 to A-42)
1. Summary
2. 1. Introductions
2.1. 1.1. Background materials
2.2. 1.2. General principles
3. 2. Population and samples
3.1. 2.1. General
3.2. 2.2. Sample characteristics
3.3. 2.3. Distribution function
3.4. 2.4. Population parameters
4. 3. Selected models of random variables
4.1. 3.1. Normal distribution
4.2. 3.2. Lognormal distribution
4.3. 3.3. Gamma distribution
4.4. 3.4. Beta distribution
4.5. 3.5. Gumbel and other distribution of extreme values
4.6. 3.6. Function of random variables
5. 4. Estimation of fractiles
5.1. 4.1. Fractile of a theoretical model
5.2. 4.2. Coverage method of fractile estimation
5.3. 4.3. Prediction method of fractile estimation
5.4. 4.4. Coefficients of the coverage and prediction methods
5.5. 4.5. Bayes' method of fractile estimation
5.6. 4.6. Estimation of fractiles according to Eurocodes
6. References
7. Appendix 1 - Probabilistic models of basic variables
8. Appendix 2 - Statistical parameters of function of random variables
9. Appendix 3 - Fractile of a random variable
10. Attachments
10.1. 1. MATHCAD sheet "DistFract.mcd"
10.2. 2. MATHCAD sheet "SampFract.mcd"
10.3. 3. MATHCAD sheet "Mod_est.mcd"
Annex B - Elementary methods of structural reliability II (Pages B-1 to B-55)
1. Summary
2. 1. Introduction
2.1. 1.1. Background materials
2.2. 1.2. General principles
3. 2. Design point
4. 3. Partial factors
4.1. 3.1. Material properties
4.2. 3.2. Permanent load
4.3. 3.3. Variable load
5. 4. The general case of reliability analysis
5.1. 4.1. General
5.2. 4.2. Basic variables
5.3. 4.3. Tail sensitivity problem
6. 5. An example of reinforced concrete slab
6.1. 5.1. General
6.2. 5.2. A reinforced concrete slab
6.3. 5.3. Design of a slab
6.4. 5.4. Reliability consideration
7. 6. Assessment of the failure probability in general case
7.1. 6.1. General
7.2. 6.2. First and Second Order Reliability Methods (FORM and SORM)
8. 7. System reliability
8.1. 7.1. General
8.2. 7.2. Parallel systems
8.3. 7.3. Series systems
9. 8. Concluding remarks
10. References
11. Attachments
11.1. 1. MATHCAD sheet "GammaRGQ.mcd"
11.2. 2. MATHCAD sheet "Prindex.mcd"
11.3. 3. MATHCAD sheet "RCBeam.mcd"
11.4. 4. MATHCAD sheet "RelRCB.mcd"
11.5. 5. EXCEL sheet "PCBeam.xls"
11.6. 6. MATHEMATICA notebook "Fit_distribution.nb"
11.7. 7. MATHEMATICA notebook "FORM.nb"
11.8. 8. MATHEMATICA notebook "Level2.m"
11.9. 9. MATHCAD sheet "FORM2.mcd"
11.10. 10. MATHCAD sheet "FORM7.mcd"
11.11. 11. EXCEL sheet "FORM7.xls"
11.12. 12. MATLAB package "FORM7.m"
11.13. 13. MATLAB function "Lndens (x,mu,sigma,sk)"
11.14. 14. MATLAB function "Lndist (x,mu,sigma,sk)"
11.15. 15. MATLAB function "Ndens (x,mu,sigma)"
11.16. 16. MATLAB function "Ndinv (p)"
11.17. 17. MATLAB function "Ndist (x,mu,sigma)"
Annex C - Calibration procedure (Pages C-1 to C-42)
1. Summary
2. 1. Introduction
2.1. 1.1. Background materials
2.2. 1.2. General principles
3. 2. Fundamental load combinations
4. 3. Generic structural member
5. 4. Principles of reliability analysis
5.1. 4.1. Limit state function
5.2. 4.2. Probabilistic models of basic variables
5.3. 4.3. Reliability measures
5.4. 4.4. Sensitivity factors
6. 5. Results for the generic cross-section
6.1. 5.1. One variable action
6.2. 5.2. Two variable actions
7. 6. Concluding remarks
8. References
9. Appendix A - Direct comparison of load effects
10. Appendix B - Effect of the resistance variability
11. Appendix C - Notation
12. Attachments
12.1. 1. MATLAB function "generic(gR,wr,k)"
12.2. 2. MATLAB function "Action3(mr,sr,skr,Rd,k)"
12.3. 3. MATLAB function "Lnpf(mr,sr,skr,me,se,ske)"
12.4. 4. MATLAB function "Lndens(x,mu,sigma,sk)"
12.5. 5. MATLAB function "Lndist(x,mu,sigma,sk)"
12.6. 6. MATLAB function "Ndinv(p)"
12.7. 7. MATHCAD sheet "Generic.mcd"
12.8. 8. MATHCAD sheet "Load effect.mcd"
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