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Non-Linearity Detection in a Masonry Arch Bridge Model Subject To Artificial Settlements
Non-Linearity Detection in a Masonry Arch Bridge Model Subject To Artificial Settlements [884]
Автор(ы): A. Quattrone, G. Ruocci, R. Ceravolo, K. Worden, A. De Stefano
Издательство: DEStech Publication, Inc, 439 North Duke Street, 17602, Lancaster Pensylvania, U.S.A.
Количество страниц: 6
Год: 2010
Аннотация[366 КБ] 
Код: 10713
The effects of artificial settlements applied to a masonry arch bridge experimental model are investigated in this work. The modal identification carried out on the free decays signals acquired after each settlement step shows the change of the modal parameters. A time-frequency representation of the structural response is employed to better explore their evolution in the time domain. The instantaneous estimate of the modal parameters is obtained by means of the curve fitting of the time-frequency representation of the dynamic response signals.