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Recurring Mass Movements on the Danube's Bank at Dunaszekcso (Hungary) Observed by Geodetic Methods
Recurring Mass Movements on the Danube's Bank at Dunaszekcso (Hungary) Observed by Geodetic Methods [1023]
Автор(ы): Gy. Mentes, L. Banyai, G. Ujvari, G. Papp, K. Gribovszki, V. B. Bodis
Количество страниц: 4
Год: 2011
Аннотация[352 КБ] 
Код: 10186
Proceeding of the Joint International Symposium on Deformatuon Monitoring. 2-4 November, 2011. Hong Kong. China. Report. In September 2007 a geodetic network based on GPS measurements, precise levelling and continuous borehole tilt measurements was established for surface displacement monitoring on the high bank of the River Danube at Dunaszekcso where a serious landslide began to develop at that time. The landslide took place on 12 February 2008. After rapid, enormous movements, which resulted in significant subsidence (8-10 m) and lateral displacements (4-5 m) on the high bank at Dunaszekcso and the emergence of a peninsula consisting of clastic material in the Danube's bed, the deformation rates significantly dropped. This observation was explained by the secondary metastable equilibrium of the moving blocks at that time. However, our subsequent geodetic data clearly showed that slow post-event movements (mainly subsidence, 0.5-1.0 cm/month) on both the northern and southern sliding blocks have been occurring for the last two years, which means that the sliding blocks did not reach an equilibrium in the mentioned period. At the same time, measurements on our extended geodetic network in the second half of 2010 referred to a possible southward spread of sliding (southern part of the Var hill) in the near future. Later on (spring 2011), field observations were also indicative of the initiation of movements on the southern part of the Var Hill as predicted by the geodetic measurements. The areal extent of the block becoming unstable closely corresponds with the danger zone assigned by GPS observations.