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Research on Selecting about 50° Angle Coal Mining Subsidence Prediction Model
Research on Selecting about 50° Angle Coal Mining Subsidence Prediction Model [1162]
Автор(ы): Yue Wu, Kan Wu, Ru-yu Zheng, Lai-liang Cai
Количество страниц: 1
Год: 2011
Аннотация[152 КБ] 
Код: 10210
Proceeding of the Joint International Symposium on Deformatuon Monitoring. 2-4 November, 2011. Hong Kong. China. Report. In order to predict about 50°angle coal seam mining of surface subsidence more accurately ,by similar material experiment get a large number of experimental data, after the experiment data processing get surface sinking and level static moving curve. Based on probability integral method and pearson III type function method prediction model fitting surface static sinking and moving horizontally curve fitting, analysis and the parameters of the error, error correlation, contrast III that pearson type function method is more suitable for about 50°angle coal mining subsidence prediction.