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Monitoring of Surface Deformation In Dangxiong Using Time Series Analysis Techniques
Monitoring of Surface Deformation In Dangxiong Using Time Series Analysis Techniques [995]
Автор(ы): Li Yongsheng, Zhang Jingfa, Luo Yi, Jiang Wenliang, Liu Zhimin
Количество страниц: 6
Год: 2011
Аннотация[312 КБ] 
Код: 10435
Proceeding of the Joint International Symposium on Deformatuon Monitoring. 2-4 November, 2011. Hong Kong. China. Report. The geographical scope of the experiment in this paper is Dangxiong in Tibet. The rift basin of Yangbajing-Dangxiong-Gulu locates at the east side of the Nyainqentanglha. The crustal activities in Dangxiong basin are frequent and a great deal of geothermal energy converged under the surface. Two geothermal power plants were built. The power generated through the exploitation of underground thermal. The excessive underground thermal extraction caused the surface deformation in surrounding areas of the power plants. In this paper, we investigated the surface deformation caused by the thermal extraction in Dangxiong with 23 ENVISAT ASAR images from 2006 to 2010 based on the time series analysis. The results showed that the centre of the basin was relatively stable. The deformation rate was between -1mm/yr - 2mm/yr. The surface subsidence rate of the region with the power plant was about 8mm/yr.